Thursday, September 15, 2005

This is Catrina - my many thanks to the Auntie's for allowing me to be a "guest blogger" and post the pictures for our Katrina relief efforts. And yes, I have taken alot of flack because of my name, but remember, they spell it wrong anyway.

This is at RiverOaks Church in Wentzville, loading up Sunday September 11th. Enough was donated to fill this BIG budget truck and two more vans!

Here are our guys loaded, ready and giving the thumb's up! Randy is second from the left, Randy's friend Matt Gross is in the middle and that's Barry on then end. I'm not sure of the other two guys' names.

Here they are unloading the stuff at Life Spring Church in Southaven Mississippi, which if you don't know is immediately below Memphis across the Mississippi state line.

Hard to get everything in one picture, there was so much stuff donated!

The whole crew in Mississippi.

There are more picture posted on Just click on 'Drive For Disaster Relief'.

We are supporting the needs of LifeSpring Church over the coming months. They do not need clothing at this time since so much was donated this past week, so they are mainly accepting toiletry items and cleaning supplies. Other items can include baby items, diapers, wet wipes, etc. I peronsally plan on keeping a box at my work and an open trunk if anyone wishes to help out!

Also wishing a speedy recovery to Uncle Bernie!

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