Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Rose has been planting flowers all week. Mother would be so proud of her. Mom's flowers must have been periennials. I can't remember her ever buying flowers, but I do remember her having lots of flowers.

I haven't talked to Margaret lately but I think she's recovered from her bronchitis. Sabrina called to catch me up on the Smith family. She sent pictures of her boys, Brett and Alex who are both taller than she is. I'll post them when I get Rose to help me.

I have physical and occupational therapy this afternoon. Rose is going to drop me off and Goldnan will pick me up. Rose and I have been walking in the evenings and I've done a mile a night for the last three nights.

Shirley's birthday is Friday. She and Rose are going to celebrate Friday and Saturday. Shirley loves other people's birthdays and tries to make little of her own.

We're going to have a crowd at the lake this weekend - my favorite time. We get to keep Jalen and Brayden next week and Rose is coming down Tuesday. Joe is coming for dinner one night. Is there room on your credit card, Pete?

Plans are continuing for the reunion. Spread the word, make your reservations, and RSVP.

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