Sunday, June 20, 2004

You can reach Sue at (314) 452-3685 or (314) 726-2032. You can write to her c/o Rose Holt, 905 Barnard College Lane, St. Louis, MO 63130

Hello, this is Rose with a quick update. Sue and Chris took me to the airport this morning for my trip to Chicago. Sue is with Chris and Shelly today and part of tomorrow when she will come home.

We had an interesting happening at Walgreen's last night. Sue had called in four of her prescriptions, three topical cremes for her psoriasis and one for her Ambien sleeping medication. When we went to pick them up at the drive-through window, the clerk told us the cost was $549. We were aghast. Sue quickly regained her composure and told the woman to check the new insurance coverage. After a few minutes, we got the real costs--$160, only (?) $160.

We came away shaking our heads. What do people do who cannot afford their prescriptions? Sue said that people like her no doubt just suffer the pains of psoriasis and insomnia with no relief.

Surely, surely we need a National Health Care Insurance Plan in this country. I know I pay over $300 per month for modest medical insurance which, thank goodness, I haven't had much use for, yet. Sue and Den pay almost $2000 per month (YES, PER MONTH!) and still have exorbitant out-of-pocket expenses. God only knows what the week at the Mayo Clinic will end up costing them.

I read in today's TRIBUNE that the United States is paying one billion seven hundred million dollars for Iraqi health costs this year alone. That's $1,700,000,000 and only for health care. The other $200 BILLION is for other stuff. Charity begins at home, or should begin at home.

I know I don't fear terrorists nearly as much as I fear my rising medical insurance costs, prescription drug costs, health care costs, and gasoline prices. For someone on a fixed income, these are indeed frightening realities.

These are some dark days in America.

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