Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Rose and I just returned from an office visit with my neurologist, Dr. Hogan. He's a very personable and we believe competent young(45)man who was born in West Plains and raised in Springfield. He explained the next steps in the procedure. A neurosurgeon will admit me to Barnes-Jewish, drill burr holes inside each side of my head, insert bitemporal strips in these holes, and wait for seizures. Dr. Hogan wants to make sure these seizures originate ONLY from the right side. If he can be very sure that they do originate from the right side, then a neurosurgeon will do the actual brain surgery. Dr. Hogan, from all his experience, is pretty certain that these seizures are sourced from the right side, but he and Dr. Dowling, the neurosurgeon, want to be 100% positive. If they possibly don't originate on the right side, they will step back and make a new plan. My first office visit with Dr. Dowling is November 19. Dr. Hogan doesn't have any idea when they will do the procedure and subsequent remonitoring.

Leslie, Liz and I spent the weekend celebrating old girls weekend at the lake. Liz cooked Friday night. Leslie cooked Saturday night. We ate at my favorite restaurant on Sunday night. We spent a lot of time trying to determine what time we went to bed and what time we got up - what with the time change. Maudie Ree tried to teach me years ago "Spring forward, fall behind" but I still had trouble cause some clocks changed themselves, some Liz or Leslie changed, and some didn't change at all. Rose and Shirley had the same trouble.

Goldman told me that Christopher came by one night last week and entertained them with stories of his and Scott's summer visits to Idaho when they were kids. Uncle Pete let them ride the tractor, slop the hogs in their new tennis shoes, go to bed whenever they wanted, and numerous other things that I never knew about. They ate and loved foods Janet prepared that they would never have touched at home. Pete now is always giving Maddog and Goldman advice about women. "Check their teeth. They're easier to get than to get rid of" are just a few of his 'wise' advisements. Goldman's roommate wasn't sure if he had ever met Uncle Pete. Goldman assured him that he wouldn't have forgetten Pete if they had met.

Joe stopped by to visit Monday on his way to a Railway Club meeting in downtown St. Louis. He told us that his granddaughter, Lydia, is 15 now and eligible to drive with a driver's permit and that he would soon be out of work. He wouldn't spend the night because he didn't want to miss any of his special taxi runs. We talked about Dr. C.R. MacDonald from Marshfield who we always referred to as 'old Dr. MacDonald' before we moved from Marshfield in the late 50's. We discovered that he delivered Rose who was recently eligible for Medicare and David, Joe's son who is in his early 40's. Joe and I both agreed that 'old' back when we moved from Marshfield had a different meaning than it does today.

We need updates from our other editors. This is a FAMILY GAZETTE and we are a very large family. If anyone else would like to be added to our editor list just let us know and we'll add you.

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