Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tuesday Afternoon

Rose and Shirley are both with clients.  Rose and Marnett took me to my primary care physician yesterday, and I should not have to go back to see her for three or four months.  That was good news. Now I'm going to my neurologist tomorrow for a follow up check.  Marnett is taking me there because Rose and Shirley are both working.

I got a haircut today.  our hairdresser comes here to the house to cut it.  With all the great help I have, I'm sure I could get into the salon, but it's nice to be pampered.  Rose and Shirley both go there and are going tomorrow.

Just tried to call Scott but got voice mail.  I wanted to talk to Brayden.  Chris must be on call since he doesn't answer either.

I continue to do my daily exercises on the exer-cycle and deep knee bends.  I walk as much as I can .  I'm to get a trough for my right arm, and we thought it was in when it wasn't even ordered yet.

Scott just returned my call.  Beth and Brayden leave Saturday from Louisville.  Scote didn't think we would get to see Brayden on the route to Colorado, but thought we might get to see both him and Beth on their way home. Beth is going on a cruise with her mother who lives in Washington D.C. while on spring break.   Scott and Beth are driving to St. Louis.  Chris and Shelly and Brayden are driving on to Colorado, I'm not sure where.

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