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Thursday, March 12, 2015


Stephanie sent the following update this afternoon:

"I am completely down and out, which is pretty much confirmed by the blood counts being at zero, so that means masks, no crowds, no raw fruits or veggies, and avoiding anyone who may be ill. frown emoticon But it is all part of God's plan to eradicate this nasty monster from my body, so I'll just keep on trudging along. We are relegated to the house unless we use a mask. God is so good, and even though we had the extra fun of needing to be pulled out of the mud this morning, it made for an excellent adventure!  I am in a lot of pain right now.  My bones ache to the point that walking is getting difficult.  This will pass as the effects of the chemo wear off, just about in time for the next round of chemo to start.  Mentally, I am struggling with some depression and just the blues in general.  This will also pass, and the doctors have been great about increasing the dosages of my medications. Thank you for all the prayers and thoughts.  Much love to all of you!


Many of you keep up with Facebook, as we do.  It was heartwarming to see Stef's post there today.  Her cousin Anna (Bernie and Maudie's oldest daughter) had sent Stephanie a beautiful surprise.  I am sure the surprise lifted Stephanie's spirits.

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