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Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Thanks, Stef,for keeping us updated on your progress.

We all hope and pray for you and are sure glad you have such a wonderful support group.  Keep the Gazette informed on things there.

Also, Janet, thanks for the pictures,  Was I Godmother to Nancy or Merri?  Wasn't very attentive, was I?

I've had two sessions with my home health helper, Marnett, just since my return  from Louisville.  I have to keep moving.  The visiting nurse came on Monday and will come back this Friday  to see if I've gotten better.  I believe I have.  Other people thinks so too.  Marnett told me today she's never seen a patient with as much support as I have.  She really works me out and measures my day to day progress.  There is some and it gives me more hope.

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