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Saturday, March 14, 2015

Saturday Morning and Waiting for Pete's Call

We're all up and it's raining here.  At least I think so, haven't been out just looked out the window and it's wet.   It's good to be back home after the overnight stay at Missouri Baptist though their facilities were nice,  Marnett came yesterday and so so did the nurse.

Pete and Janet just called and I asked them to send more updates and pictures from Idaho.  Marnett just got here and Rose is making my egg sandwich.  I did 30 minutes on the exercycle yesterday just because I couldn't get off.  Will finish later.  It's later now and I only did 20 minutes on the exercycle today and was exhausted.  Marnett encourages me and helps me with my exercises which is an inspiration.

Rose and Shirley went to Walgreens and Bed Bath and Beyond and Whole Foods while they were out this morning. They also got a lot of my favorite dessert.  Did you hear that Apple is coming out with a new watch?  I didn't even know they made an old one.

The nurse who came yesterday told me her husband (who works with Chris) said that Chris had brought the new puppy to work.  She is a dog lover too, but a different nurse will be here next time.  

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