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Sunday, March 29, 2015


Looking at pictures from the GeoBee closely  which we did, we see  Brayden is about the shortest and we assume the youngest one there (and also the smartest).  He didn't beat all the older and bigger kids, but  he was very competitive.  We  are very proud of him.

 Now he is excited and looking forward to Colorado with Uncle Chris and Aunt Shelly on Spring Break and skiing. They leave next Sunday.   I'm  not sure where in Colorado they are staying.  Jalon  chose not to go because he doesn't like cold weather. Beth is going on a cruise with her mother while  the rest of the family  is gone.  I asked Scott what he was going to do while the family was gone and and he replied. "'Nothing, again I'm not good on Facebook, but Brayden has promised to teach me."  He's not very  good on phone calls or emails either.

Chris and I went to dinner last night.  Shelly couldn't join us.  It was at JJ'S in St. Charles and Chris said we had been there before.  I had forgotten having been there, but  they had delicious hamburgers and I remembered THEM.   When I got home, Rose and Shirley were serving dessert to guests from Madison, Wisconsin. I joined them for that.

 The guests left early this  morning, I wasn't even up yet.  This is the start of a long journey for them.  I'll have to ask the Geography Contest Competitor just how far  away Madison  is.

Rose is practicing the guitar.  She went to the grocery store yesterday after she had made out a list,  and had to call me to read off the list to her.  She knew she  had forgotten something,   She had  "but only one thing - the list".

Rose and I had Margaret much in mind yesterday, her birthday.  Joe knew when Bob's was.  It was also in March.  

Bob is buried in St. John,  KS.  I hope Jana and John and the girls are still planning on spending some time with me at the lake house again this summer, the rest of the  Kansas relatives too.  I need more help, but love being there and hope they do.

I don't have the boat  de-winterized yet.  Doug has done the wave runner for several years and knows how, but it's too soon to ride it now.   I'm sure the water is too cold and I don't believe the fish are biting  yet..  I need to find some one to stain the deck.  Marnett has kids in school or she would be perfect to stay with me and she has a husband!   I would like to be there where  when they stain the deck.  Right now, I just want some one to give me an estimate on doing it and I'd like to have it  done before the season starts.

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