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Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Sue e-mailed me this update just now:

"I've done the exer-cycle for 20minutes and 20 and 25 deep knee bends among other exercises every day.  The lake exer-cycle is in need of repair, so I had to miss those days, but I've resumed my schedule since coming home.  Marnett was here today early in spite of her grueling night before last. The  nurse (susan) came today, and we're hoping she and the occupational therapist get approval from the doctor so that Medicare pays for the needed trough for my right arm.  My blood pressure and pulse rate were suitable.   I'm right-handed and now type with my left hand. I make a lot of mistakes.  Sis and I take turns posting to this Gazette.  She sometimes has to stop and 'rest her face and hands' and so do I.

Chris is taking me out to dinner tonight.  I don't know where are going.  Rose has clients right now and  Marnett and I are watching CNN.  Bunny has recuperated today and went to school again. The mail hasn't  arrived yet though I think I see the mailman coming  up  the street.

It was so nice to see Brother Joe on Sunday.  I heard from Leslie, my neighbor in Springfield, too. I was afraid we had lost contact but not so. Chase,  her son, has a  photography shop in  Springfield and  Jeff, the other son lives out west. She came up to  St. Louis and helped me when Denny died.  I hope she comes to see me sometime when I 'm at the lake house.

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