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Thursday, March 26, 2015


Sue e-mailed me this update for the Gazette:

"It's a beautiful day today, sunshiny but a bit cool.  Rose is practicing her guitar and I'm not sure what Shirley is doing.  I'm updating the gazette.

Marnett took me to get my pedicure today.  I didn't know I needed an appointment when she and I went yesterday.   It was worth the ride out there (Chesterfield) and the wait.   Thank you again, Linda, for the Christmas gift for a visit to this place. Most enjoyable!

I upped it to 30 deep knee bends today and 30 minutes on the exercycle, besides other stretch and effort.  I haven't  received the permission from the  doctor for the trough to support my arm.  Still  waiting. 

There are young men working around the neighborhood  again today.  I'm ready for Spring Flowers.   The neighbor across the street put their pots out but no plants in them as of yet.  I hope nothing gets 'nipped in the bud'.  We've been feeding lots of squirrels as the squirrels have been eating lots of bird food.

We've been watching "Downton Abbey," and have caught up on all the seasons.  Pete and Janet told us about two other PBS programs they enjoy a lot, "The Bletchley Circle" and "Call the Midwife."  Both are wonderfully interesting and entertaining.  Both are about women's lives in the 1950's in London.  The storylines are great, and in some ways they, like "Downton" are serious lessons about history.  Thank you, Pete and Janet!  

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