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Friday, March 27, 2015

Bowling Green Kentucky.  That's where where Brayden and Scott are this morning.  Brayden participated  in the geography contest in his sixth grade class at his school.  He won the middle school contest, competing with 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.  Now he and Scott have gone to Bowling Green for the statewide contest..  We called him last night because we were thinking the  state  contest was next week.  We just wanted to know what athletic games he had on Saturday.  Scott said he planned to study some even last night.  Jalen had to go to school and Beth had to work so they couldn't go.  Brayden is probably more excited  about Spring Break going to Colorado with Chris and Shelly.  We are sure he is nervous.  Win or Loose, we'll update.

When I woke up this morning and looked outside, I thought I saw snow.  I didn't have my glasses on and it  wasn't quite daylight. When Rose came in  my room, she confirmed it.  There is some frost out there.  I looked on the computer and it says it is 34 degrees outside,   Isn't Spring ever going to arrive?  Still wearing sweat shirts, but Shirley did get me some tee shirts from Land's Ends.  They arrived today,  I guess  I'll get to wear them and be complaining about the heat in no time.

I will do my bicycle and shower after Marnett gets here.  I think the young men finished the Spring Clean up yesterday. I thought Rose didn't  have any clients today but  she does plus she has a group meeting.

I've done 30  minutes on the bicycle now and getting ready to do some deep knee bends and walking efforts.  I did 50 deep knee bends just  now and can really feel that I've regained some of my strength.

The back yard is swarming with birds and squirrels.  We put out bird seed but see more squirrels than birds.  Marnett refills the feeder when they need it.

Marnett is preparing my lunch now so I'll sign off and eat.

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