Friday, March 16, 2007

I had my treatment on Tuesday and Wednesday and had to get home from the hospital to get some rest. Every time I got to sleeping good they would wake me up to make sure I was okay and take my blood pressure. They forgot my lunch AND dinner on Tuesday. I got there at 8 am, per their instructions, so they could start the IV early. They finally got started it at 4 on. I was there until 3:30 until I got some water, and Rose is the one who got it for me. I'm really glad I'm not a veteran if things are even worse at Walter Reed!

Pete and Janet got home yesterday. I'm sure the kids and grandkids were happy to see them. Pete keeps the grandsons up to date on women. Like "check their teeth" on the first date and "remember, they're easier to get than to get rid of". Janet, you deserve a medal for putting up with him all these years.

Chris has my car for a couple days. I had cautioned him that I didn't want the dogs riding in it. Iasked him yesterday if they had been riding in it. He replied "Did you say dogS? I said "Yes, I said dogS." He said "No, THEY haven't been riding in it. I take them one at a time because they like to ride in the front seat." He's going to bring the car back when the gas gauge light comes on. Shelly, you probably deserve a medal, too.

Shirley is in Chicago. Rose is going up there tomorrow. I'm going to stay with the Abbotts. They're having their children and grandchildren over for barbeque and to play Trivial Pursuit tomorrow night. I think Margaret and Norm must have those cards memorized.

The neurologists want to try three more of the IVIG infusions. I'll have one next month, one in May, and one in Jung. Along the way, we will reevaluate. Keep praying. The seizures seem to be under control with the current medications. That's a different neurologist who treats the seizure episodes. I have an appointment next week with my primary care physician. I'll see that specialist for my anemia and escalating blood pressure. If hospital personnel didn't take so much blood, I probably wouldn't be anemic and, if they didn't make me so nervous, my blood pressure probably wouldn't be escalating.

Margaret had her checkup with her cardiologist this week and got a good report. {Another kind of specialist} She doesn't have to back for 6 months. She and Norman are planning a trip soon to visit his relatives in North Carolina. They are, of course, watching the price of gasoline closely.

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