Tuesday, November 16, 2004

You can reach Sue at (314) 452-3685 or (314) 726-2032. You can write to her c/o Rose Holt, 905 Barnard College Lane, St. Louis, MO 63130

Hello, it's Rose from Chicago with not good news. This morning about 3:00 am Sue became ill, had a seizure, and we couldn't communicate with her afterwards. Shirley and I called Dr. Costas immediately who had us get her to St. Francis by ambulance. Before we arrived at the hospital, Sue had three more seizures. Long story short, she has been admitted, once again, to St. Francis and is in the intensive care unit there. Today she has been heavily sedated to reduce the risk of any more seizures, and she has had a myriad of tests. No conclusions yet. I left her about 7:00 pm to come here to the apartment to do a few things then will return to St. Francis. Shirley is with her right now.

Sue began to 'come out of it' around 2:00 pm but is still very sleepy and groggy. Dr. Costas and Dr. O'Brien, the neurologist, say her state is mainly the result of the medications.

Meanwhile, on the East Coast, Den continues to improve. He had his best day yet today. Kim and Aaron have taken over all the thinking and doing that is required to get him into a St. Louis Rehab facility. It is looking like Den will be able to travel to St. Louis on Saturday. Both Kim and Aaron say there are many details to be worked out, but that is the plan right now.

I talked with Den and told him about Sue. And, of course, I reported back to Sue about Den. Tomorrow we will try to work out a way for them to talk directly. Neither hospital will allow cell phones, and today Sue was just too sick to do much communicating.

Chris and Shelly will drive here tomorrow, and Scott will come later on in the week if we need him.

Folks, no fiction writer could have written this script. Sabrina suggested we should rename this blog "General Hospital" or "As the World Turns." And that was before Sue entered this last bout of hospitalization. I know your thoughts and prayers mean a lot to both Sue and Den.

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