Monday, June 25, 2007

Just a quick update after talking with the neurologist who administered the tests I took last week. She had not met with the other neurologists yet but from her results there was very little cognitive damage from the viral encephalitis that I suffered in November of 04. She will meet with the other neurologists in the next couple weeks to confer with them about further treatment. Of 100 people with similar symptoms, I scored 14 out of those 100. The 'other neurologists' are mostly young and handsome residents who are puzzled by my condition and tend to hover over me whenever I'm in the hospital. I try to keep my hair combed. The neurologist I spoke with this morning won't need to see me for six months unless I have some sort of surgery for the seizures. Right now, they are trying different medications to try to stop them. They say my other condition has nothing to do with this condition. Physical therapy, exercise, and IVIG are the current treatment they're trying for that. I'm a medical mystery. Keep praying.

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