Sunday, June 24, 2007

We put a copy of the picture of Brayden riding his two wheeler on the refrigerator so we could look at it often. He is so proud. Joe says they made their kids keep a flag on a long pole attached to their bicycle long after they learned to ride a two wheeler. This was so cars could see them. The kids were as glad to get rid of the poles as they were to be rid of the training wheels.

Pete called Saturday with his weekly update. His household is still in the mess of the painting. Some of his offspring were floating the Salmon River and he and 'Ma' were forced to be dogsitters, but it sounded like they were enjoying it.

Rose, Shirley, Chris, Shelly, and I went to a new seafood restaurant nearby last Friday evening. Most of the items on the menu were things we couldn't pronounce so we just pointed when we ordered. I ordered what I thought was going to be crabcakes. They were not like any crabcakes I've ever eaten. I ate some of what I thought was the edible part and asked Chris if he wanted the rest. He said he'd try them and see what he thought. The women got to talking and a few minutes later I looked over at his plate and it was empty! Either he's more worldly than I am or he ate some crabs - shells and all.

Rose has some problems with her 'hired help'. Her cleaning ladies miss a lot of things, don't do windows, don't see cobwebs, and only mop the middle of any room. Their mothers never taught them how to make beds. They do drive a nice car - an Infiniti. She hired two young men to do some yard work, and she knew she was in trouble when they drove up in a new looking extended cab pickup.

Plans for the family get together are going well. Sandi from Oregon called. They are all helping Maudie and spending time with her when they can so they won't be here. Rose, Chris, Shelly, Jana, John, and Ellie will be there from St. Louis. Sally Jackson, a relative from Kansas Joe has discovered who vacations at Laurie, MO., (which is on the lake about 30 miles away) will be there with some of her kin. Debbie and Joe and lots of their offspring will be there. I remember how much they enjoyed it, and how much I enjoyed them last year. I hope Tricia and her fellow and Sandi and Kathy and theirs will come, too. Harriet will be there. Joe is coming and he wasn't sure if Dave and Mar'Ellen can make it or not.

If I've forgotten anyone, it's because my typing is slow, but I didn't leave anyone out on purpose. Please come. The big dinner will be on the 7th and we'll probably put everyone to work. I've already warned John he may have to ride kids on the waverunner all the time he's there.

The neurologist who performed the tests last week was going to confer with some of the other neurologists who have been treating me for the seizures and is to call me in the morning. They may have decided what the next step in my treatment might be OR whether to continue the current medication I am on for a while longer. They had two or three different options to choose from if the medication doesn't work out.

This is fireworks weekend at the lake. Doug is our pyromaniac, and I think he loves the Fourth as much as he likes Christmas. We all line up on the deck as soon as it gets dark and wait for the big show. It's become a neighborhood tradition and all the neighbors chip in for the display. Scott, Sherry, and the boys are coming over from Louisville for the occasion.

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