Friday, March 12, 2004

You can reach Sue at (314) 452-3685 or (314) 726-2032. You can write to her c/o Rose Holt, 905 Barnard College Lane, St. Louis, MO 63130

Follwoing is an e-mail I sent Nancy (niece) today:

I got a package from Reggie yesterday with a very nice note. He sent 5 bracelet rosaries and a regular rosary as a gift. He is a trusting soul - said pick out what I like and send the others back and he would pay for postage. I'm sending him a
check for all of them. Den's granddaughter is making her First Communion on 4/18 and she will get one. Shirley loves the red one. Shelly will get one for her birthday.
Scott and Ding were here when the rosaries came and told a funny story about saying the rosary. I'll get A. Rose to put it on the weblog cause I type so slowly.

When are you going to FL? When Uncle Donald called, he was really bragging about your kids and looking forward to your visit.

Den is coming back from San Jose (88 degrees there yesterday) tonight but has to go to Chicago tomorrow. Shirley's sister arrves (from Louisiana) tomorrow. We usually go to FL , but she will join us here nd we may be able to spend a couple days at the Lake. A.Rose (Doctor now - promoted from nurse) did the IV's like a Professional this time.

Hugs to everyone and Pete and Janet when they get there.

Love Aunt Sue


The Rosary Story is best told in the dialogue:

Sue: I hadn't said the Rosary in such a long time that I had Shirley print off the Mysteries and the instructions from the Internet. Have either of you ever said the Rosary:

Chris and Scott: Yes, once at PSR (Parish School of Religion) because we had to.

Chris: One night at PSR the teacher passed out Rosaries, and the class said the Rosary. I got confused on the beads and just played with the Rosary. It was so boring--until the cross fell off. I didn't want to be the only kid who broke a Rosary so when the teacher collected them, I stuffed mine in my pocket. Noone missed it, and I carried it home. The next week there was trouble at PSR. WHO would take a Rosary?!!! I knew better than to confess.

Sue: Did you ever tell it in confession?

Chris: Of course not.

Sue: What happened to the broken Rosary?

Scott: It laid on the dryer for years, Mom. You never suspected it belonged to one of your kids.


I finished the four Solumedrol IV treatments this morning at 6:00. This time, like two and one-half weeks ago, they have left me a little weak-kneed and shaky. So, I'm being extra careful. Den has been in California and will be in this event, and we are having dinner with Doug and Suzanne Hollansbee and Dane and Angie Slayton and their children. Doug is cooking steak and lobster.

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